Apr 23, 2013

declan shalvey departing from venom

Goodbye Declan
The current Venom artist, Declan Shalvey sent this tweet this morning:
"Right then. Just handed in my final pages of VENOM. Really enjoyed my run on the series; thanks to all who supported my work on it."
Now while he is leaving the title, he did confirm that he will be doing future covers.

TVS will miss him not only for his art (and the fact that he greatly toned down the Toxin-monster look), but for the fact that he was an all around nice guy - agreeing to field TVSers questions, re-tweeting posts, and supplying us with a ton of previews.

Now Declan does have one more issue before he moves on and he has been generously providing sneak peaks over the last couple weeks of issue 35:

Alas, the show must go on!  So here's looking to the future of Venom - all the way to issue #36!

Artist, Pepe Larraz will be providing the interior art and here is a peak at his interpretation of Venom:

Were you a Shalvey fan?  Who would you like to see take predominate role of artist on Venom?